Thursday, September 23, 2021

In this week's lab assignment about Vectors we were using De Soto National Forest in Mississippi as an example to find possible camp sites that were not near conservation areas because those areas should not be disturbed by campers. By incorporating overlay analysis using buffers to show where water and roads were located, we were able to narrow our search for the perfect camp site areas in hectares. Dark blue indicated the largest areas and yellow for the smallest areas. The look like numbered blobs on the map, but you can camp there and avoid roads, rivers and conservation areas. My experience with this lab is that vector analysis can be incredibly useful, however easily overwhelming if you do not understand the questions you are asking when looking at the attribute tables and using the union overlay tools. Overall, any lab that forces me into unknown territory in ArcGIS Pro is stressful, but an accomplishment in the end.

Friday, September 17, 2021

This lab assignment was much more difficult to accomplish, mostly due to my own hesitation with following the lab steps. The steps are becoming more vague as we progress and I am struggling with understanding something I have only seen once before or not at all. The online learning curve I suppose. Without further adue this map shows three different projections of Florida and how much they differ is shown in the graph below. Took way longer to create than it looks like it did!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

This week's lab 2 was about creating a map highlighting where the campus for University of West Florida is located. By showing a Florida inset map, along with the county, major highways, a few cities and the campus as the star it seems to have been a sucessful adventure. A few hiccups were experienced, but with patience and reading the help forum this map was created. A thrilling accomplishment if I do say so myself.

GIS Portfolio

The final assignment in the GIS Certificate Program was to create a GIS Portfolio. It went as I expected. It is hard to write about yourself...