Monday, November 8, 2021

Mod 3: Intro to ERDAS Imagine

This week we were introduced to a new program called ERDAS Imagine. It appears similar to ArcGIS Pro when you first open it, so nothing to be too intimidated by I hope. The above map image is a smaller image subset from a larger image given to us from a forested area in Washington State. Task included to create the random subset, add an area column to the attribute table, and take the image to ArcGIS Pro to set unique values to the parts of the forest being represented by the pixels and complete the map layout. Not bad for a first go at it from my seat. Looking forward to working with ERDAS Imagine in the future.

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GIS Portfolio

The final assignment in the GIS Certificate Program was to create a GIS Portfolio. It went as I expected. It is hard to write about yourself...