Saturday, April 23, 2022

M5: Choropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping

This week in Computer Cartography class we were introduced to Choropleth maps, which is best used for standardized data. Also, Graduated or Proportional symbols used can make a difference in how the map looks. For the map below, Graduated symbols were utilized to show the comparison between population density and wine consumption from European Countries from 2012 data. You can see that once the data is standardized the size of a country and the wine consumption are not influenced by one another. One thing that did come to light is the Vatican City wins this round with 73.78 liters per capita consumed.

Comments: This lesson was enlightening, but easily confusing as well. The pros and cons of choosing symbols depend on the data, the audience, and the map maker. I wish I knew a better way to make inset maps, but as a map making padawan in only my second semester, the frame within a frame is my only card so far and I could not figure out how to hide data from the extent frame. It will keep me up at night for sure until I figure it out.

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