Friday, October 14, 2022

Internship Blog Post #3

I chose to update you on my internship. It is going very well, and I am happy to report that I am learning a lot more than I expected. There is so much more going on depending where your internship is, and mine has opened insights into CAD, 911 Operations, Emergency Management, Survey123, and even ArcMap. While ArcMap may be going away one day, I am learning how to use it because that is what my office is using. It is different than Pro, but the same functionality exists. It's just not always in the same spot that we were taught in Pro. All good. I keep the ArcMap help website pinned on my computer just in case. My supervisor sits next to me and we are able to work on things together or separate. She has a few ongoing projects that she hopes we can get more into while I am there. One involves creating a Survey123 to collect data on mile markers down a desolate road, and another project is awaiting data from a local state park, so that we can enter it into 911 CAD, so if someone needs help out there they can find them fast. I have made a few maps already, and that has been fun to interact with the needs of the map and the data they have. I love going to the office there, and everyone is a delight to work with. Hoping good things continue and I learn as much as I can in the little time left.

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