Sunday, September 18, 2022

Internship Blog Post #2

This week we were tasked to conduct our own GIS job search. By looking at openings, requirements and things I may need to learn in the future will only give me more tools for my toolbox. I started with Google and checked out Indeed and ZipRecruiter finds, but nothing seemed to fit me right away. I wanted to see if I could find a job posting a little more obscure that combined my archaeology degree, Navy knowledge from being active duty and of course GIS. In that effort I was able to find a company that was seeking Nautical Archaeologists and GIS Analysts, and they happen to do government contracts, so I would even understand some of the lingo there. Dream job material for sure, but location is a little too far from home. Similar companies must exist in Florida, but some key takeaways are to think beyond just searching for GIS Analyst, as there are other names that use ArcGIS Pro. Also timing. We are currently sitting right at the end of a fiscal year and another one beginning, so budgets and upcoming job listings are up in the air. End of year seems to be the word on the street to start seeing more listings. Overall, great assignment and gets our brains thinking ahead for when we will be looking for employment in GIS.

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GIS Portfolio

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