Saturday, September 24, 2022

Module 2.1 Surfaces - TINs and DEMs

This week we laid it all out, literally. Surfaces can be an interesting topic when discussing elevation models and 3D visualizations. We read about TIN and DEM elevation models, compared them, examined their properties, and practiced creating and modifying them. In my exploration of of TINs and DEMs I learned about suitability modeling, how slope, aspect and edges effect the appearance of them, and especially how symbology plays a major role in how the data is shown for a final layout. While these topics and tools such as Raster to TIN, Reclassify, Slope, Aspect, Create TIN, Spline, and Contours are not entirely new, it is necessary to practice more with them for a greater understanding. The screen capture below is a colorful example of exxagerated terrain of Death Valley near the Furnace Creek area. By adding the TIFF image as an elevation surface in a New Scene and increasing the vertical exaggeration to 2.0 it becomes this.

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